Set Default Style In Onsong

Here's a link to the information on how to set the Style Preferences in OnSong. These styles will be applied when you create a new song in OnSong. Changing the settings here will also change all songs that don’t have a custom style applied. Each song can have a custom style, but you lose the ability to modify the style by modifying this global setting.


Style Preferences Menu


This menu sets up the default styles for OnSong. These styles will be applied when you create a new song in OnSong. Changing the settings here will also change all songs that don't have a custom style applied. Each song can have a custom style, but you lose the ability to modify the style by modifying this global setting. Now that I have this set the way I like it, I haven't had to change it or set custom settings for any of my songs. I just tweak songs as I go to make them fit nicely. I find that shorter lines work out the best, anyway.


The options can be found at:



I only made a few modifications to the standard setup.